Marvel's Eternals (2021)


Marvel's Eternals, now there is a lot of controversy surrounding this film. And after seeing the movie, I understand why. Now, I myself really enjoyed the film. But to me it didn't feel like Marvel, it felt like a completely different franchise.

Now there are some hangups I have about the film. First off, is the sex scene. It was completely unnecessary. I've actually been racking my head trying to figure out the reason for it and have come up with absolutely nothing. Secondly, the kissing scene with the two gay guys seemed pretty forced. It didn't come off as natural, it seems like it was pushed on the audience instead of a natural occurrence. Thirdly, all the information given about Celestials things doesn't make sense. Why? Well, that is something I will explain in a later post.
Now, while I do have mixed feelings about the film, 'Eternals' is still worth a watch, and worth the money. But that's just my opinion.

Please let us know what you thought of the 'Eternals' film and most importantly, what you thought of the post credit scenes. What theories do you have about the future of the MCU.


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