The Broken Hearts Gallery

You can’t have a good relationship because you’re constantly mourning the old one! You keep something from every relationship. - Amanda (friend of Lucy)

Constantly throughout this movie, you see that Lucy, played by Geraldine Viswanathan, collects and keeps things from past relationships, often times creepy things that seem to have zero emotional connection! And if you have never been heartbroken, your response would probably be that of her friend's. If you've never been heartbroken, then this film is not for you, whatsoever. 

But if you have been heartbroken, then I strongly recommend this movie. The soundtrack, AMAZEBALLS! The plot, INSPIRING! The friendship and love, GOALS! This movie had me saying I was ready to buy it when it came out, and I rarely do that! This wasn't just an ordinary romcom, the romance was also a deep friendship between these girls, but also a bromance between Nick, played by Dacre Montgomery, and Marcos, played by Arturo Castro. The love that they each felt, made me want to lean over and squeeze my friend that I was attending with!

If you're not here for the love, there's also a MASSIVE douchenozzle you can bond over by hating him, but every romcom needs one right?  But it's definitely something that was hard to adjust for me due to the fact that he is played by, Utkarsh Ambudkar, aka cute Donald from Pitch Perfect.

I 10/10 recommend taking the time out of your busy day to give this flick a watch. It's definitely one of those movies that give you great feelings and make you forget that love and friends are hard and far and few between! 


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