Suicide Squad (2016)
Welcome to part 3 of our DCEU series. This time, as I'm sure you have guessed by the title of this post, we are talking about 2016's 'Suicide Squad'; written and directed by David Ayer.

Suicide Squad's debut back in August of 2016 received pretty, well....bad reviews. Joe Morgenstern of the Wall Street Journal had this to say of the film, "Suicide Squad amounts to an all-out attack on the whole idea of entertainment."
Now personally, I think that's rather harsh. I remember the night I first saw the film. I was mesmerized by the score/soundtrack, special effects, and well...Margot Robbie's memorable portrayal of the infamous Harley Quinn. But I remember leaving the theater feeling unsatisfied about the film's plot, and absolutely hating Jared Leto's portrayal of The Joker.
I've seen the film no more than a handful amount of times. When the news hit that Warner Bros. was giving the 'okay' for Zack Snyder to release his version of 2017's 'Justice League', and seeing as how that date is drawing nearer, I thought that it may be time to pull out my DCEU films and watch them all again.
Well, I recently just finished rewatching 'Suicide Squad'. And I must say, I rather enjoyed it. Now don't get me wrong, it's by no means a great film, but it really is entertaining. I've also grown more accepting of Leto's Joker (although I still genuinely hate the 'Damaged' tattoo).
However I must say that the plot seems as of it was crudely thrown together. According to many sources, Joker was intended to be the main villain of the film. Which I would have happily enjoyed. I personally believe that I, as well as many others, have judged Jared Leto's Joker to harshly before we could really see him in action.
Overall I firmly believe that Suicide Squad, in time, will become a cult classic amongst DC fans.
Currently Suicide Squad (2016) rests at 26% critic score and a 59% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes.
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