Michael Myers is...HOMOPHOBIC?
Yes yes yes, you read that right Michael Myers, the slasher movie icon created by John Carpenter and DebraHill has been branded, homophobic. But what you may be asking is, 'why?'.

Just take a look at some of the Twitter posts surrounding the "controversy".
As a slasher fan myself, I'd just like to point out that Michael Myers is an equal opportunity killer. He will kill whomever he can get his hands on, except for infants so it seems.
Others, like myself, argue the opposite. That it would actually be homophobic if The Shape (Myers) didn't infact kill the gay couple, because then he wouldn't be treating them equally. Believing that they aren't worth killing. That they were even beneath those he does kill.
Below are the arguments in favor or the gay couple getting murdered.
Obviously, these snowflakes who are apart of the Leftists Twitter Mob have a little too much time on their hands.
But, what's is your opinion? Is Michael Myers homophobic or is does he kill everyone equally? Comment and leave your thoughts below!
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