Stranger Than Fiction (2006)
I'm not going to lie, it has been years since I have seen this film. In fact, I can firmly say that, until recently, I had seen 'Stranger Than Fiction' one singular time. Over the last few days I have been binge-watching Will Ferrell films (EuroVision Song Contest review coming soon). I have quite a few of his films. Talladega Knights, Step Brothers, Get Hard, Daddy's Home...etc. But I decided to look up Ferrell's' filmography and see what I was missing from my collection. 'Stranger Than Fiction', was one of them.
From what I could remember, it was a decent film. A man living his day to day life finds out he is the character in an authors' novel. He then must find the author before she finishes her story, which ends with his death. The more I thought about it, the more intrigued I became about the film. So, I got it. And I must
I can honestly say, I did not expect to enjoy the film as thoroughly as I did. It was an elegant blend of genres. A cup of drama, a tablespoon of comedy, and just a pinch of suspense. While the film is far from perfect, it does leave you feeling a sense of awe. You sympathize for the character of Harold. You fall in love with his mannerisms and personality.
'Stranger Than Fiction' is a golden film of the early 2000's. One that is overlooked by many and over shadowed by Ferrell's' array childish comedic films. If you haven't yet seen 'Stranger Than Fiction', set aside some time to do so. It's a film you wont regret watching.

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