M. Night Shyamalan's 'Glass'. The third installment following 'Unbreakable' and 'Split' has been a highly anticipated film since the film 'Split' had a surprising twist of an ending. Which showed David Dunn (Bruce Willis) commenting on how the Hoard (James McAvoy) remind everyone of a criminal from 20 years earlier, known as Mr. Glass. The events of 'Glass' pick up shortly after the ending of the last film.
As a fan of M. Night Shyamalan I was very excited to watch Glass. However the film was not what I expected. The first act of the film was amazing. However once David Dunn and Kevin Crumb have been captured and put into a mental institution the film begins to drag.
Glass isn't about David vs The Beast and Mr. Glass. It's about the uniqueness, individuality and fate. How everyone has a calling and a destiny. It's about how everyone's talents and abilities need to be shown not hidden even though there will be those who oppose and try to suppress your uniqueness, individuality, talents and abilities.
Even though the film was slow, it was able to hold my attention and convey a clear message that everyone can agree upon. And for that I commend Shyamalan for his work. If there is more to come in the 'Unbreakable Universe' I am very excited to see what may lie ahead.
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