Captain Marvel
There has been a lot of controversy surrounding Brie Larson and her role as the heroic Captain Marvel. Let it be known that I am not a Larson fan. Do I think she is a decent actress, yes. But, as a person....not so much. Now, I want all you readers to know, that my personally feelings towards Brie Larson will not effect this review. My goal is to be as unbiased as possible. Now with that, let's get into it.
Captain Marvel is easily one of the most powerful characters to ever enter the MCU. She is strong, comedic, and relatable to both men and women alike. Contrary to popular belief, this is not a feminist film. Yet, I can see how that can be perceived.

Another issue I, as well as many others, have had from the trailers is the fact that Larson's character seems to show little to no emotion. When you watch the film you realise that that can't be further from the truth. In fact one of the major plot points is that she relies too much on her emotion and is unable to keep them in check.
All in all the film was great! If you have any reservations, my advice is to get past whatever is holding you back and just watch the film. You won't regret it. Captain Marvel is a great addition to the MCU and I can't wait to see more of what Marvel has in store for us.
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