
Ever since the release of Jordan Peele's 'Get Out', fans have been craving for more of his psychological thrillers. While 'Us' was indeed a thriller of sorts, it has nothing to do with the psychosis. While entertaining, the film's plot is somehow  incredibly confusing, hard to follow and yet at the same time very predictible

 I left the theater feeling unsatisfied and and perplexed about all that 'Us' presented to me as a member of the audience.

I spoke with a few associates of mine and many have said the something. However I have noticed that those associates of mine who are African-Americans seem to kept thoroughly enjoy the film. So, I asked them as to why that is. Most of them have me the same reply. "There is a feeling meaning and message beneath what Peele shows at face value. Something that only us Blacks can see, admire and understand."

Whether that is true or not, I don't know. I am a white man so it may be possible that there is an underlying theme directed at African-Americans, what those of other races don't pick up on. If that is true, I applaud those who have found and focused on that theme and message. I hope it serves you well.

Over all I'd recommend seeing the film and passing judgement on it yourselves. If you have seen the film, please leave us your thoughts on it below.


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